Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday White Men

MTP has featured a disproportionate number of black men of late. Time to get back to our (white) bread and butter.

Rush Limbaugh, or Rush Limburger and Onion Sandwich?

This the head of the Republican Party? I hope tastier hor'dourves are on the way. MTP still prefers Rush radio to Air America.

Robert Gates, or Robert Gates BBQ? (Thanks MPM)

The press can take photos of war dead and we're pulling out of Iraq? MTP isn't holding its breath. Something big is going to happen.

Larry Summers, or Larry Summer Sausage?

Ahem... While MTP finds your views on the intelligence of women hilarious, you give direct council to the prez on economic issues. Make MIT proud and fix this shit already.

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